Your Register of Deeds

Serving the Communities of Norfolk County

Your Register of Deeds

Serving the Communities of Norfolk County

Lawyers Committee for Bill O’Donnell

A committee of more than eighty practicing attorneys has formed in support of Bill’s candidacy. “In 19 months as Register, Bill O’Donnell has demonstrated commitment and produced significant results. Bill has followed through on technology upgrades begun by his predecessors, Barry Hannon and the late Paul Harold, and undertaken new initiatives as well. ” the group said in a statement.

“The Registry has implemented improved computer-assisted research, including availability of scanned document images, and tripled the number of public research workstations. Customers filing documents at the registry can now research recent filings in real time and receive book and page assignments at the recording counter. Bill has updated the Registry’s Internet website and made the computer database accessible online.

” Bill O’Donnell’s efforts deserve our recognition and support.”